This form is for new members joining SAAMBR or members returning to the club (following a break in membership).
NOTE: If you are a renewing member (from last year) do not use this form, please refer to your renewal notice/invoice (sent to the email you have registered with the club) for instructions regarding payment of club fees etc.
Once this application is reviewed you will receive an email from the club registrar providing payment details for your application. Please retain your payment receipt as interim proof of membership.
If you are applying for Pensioner membership you may be asked to show evidence of your pension status. Junior members may be asked to provide proof of age (for visual confirmation only, identification/pension detail is not kept on file with the club).
Once your payment is received and membership is confirmed you will receive a welcome email that will include the passcodes to access the gates and clubhouse. All new members are asked to attend at least one SAAMBR General Meeting (within 3 months) once you have received your membership confirmation. Dates of club meetings can be found on our website and our Facebook page.